Simia Social Fund

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs through Sustainable Development

At Simia Business Development we specialise in offering training programmes covering human system dynamics, psychological safety, and effective work culture cultivation.

Beyond our primary business objectives, but intrinsically linked with those objectives, we engage with wider social issues through the creation of the Simia Social Fund.

This fund aims to assist women-led businesses facing challenges, with the goal of making a tangible impact on their success.

Simia Social Fund - Gender Equality

A Vision for Gender Equality and Sustainable Development

The Simia Social Fund is not just another corporate social responsibility (CSR) project; it is a strategic response to the unique challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia.

Recognising the pivotal role of women in driving economic growth and social progress, the fund dedicates 10% of Simia Business Development’s revenue to support these entrepreneurs.

This commitment aligns with the United Nations Social Development Goals, particularly those focusing on gender equality, decent work, and economic growth.

By operating as a social enterprise model, the Simia Social Fund aims to establish a self-sustaining ecosystem of support, growth, and collaboration.

Bridging the Gap – Capital, Knowledge, and Networks

Women entrepreneurs in this region face significant barriers to success, from limited access to financial resources to challenges in navigating the business landscape.

The Simia Social Fund seeks to bridge these gaps by providing financial support, knowledge and access to essential networks for business growth. By leveraging Simia’s expertise and networks, the fund offers a holistic approach to building resilient and thriving enterprises.

Simia Social Fund - Collaboration

Sustainable Impact Through Collaboration and Empowerment

The Simia Social Fund’s strategy focuses on sustainability and long-term impact. Designed to become self-sustaining, the Fund requires sets out a plan whereby successful entrepreneurs would repay their funding, when they are able.

This innovative approach fosters a community of mutual support, where success stories fuel the next generation of women entrepreneurs. By aligning with beneficiaries who are committed to the same ideals, the fund ensures a continuous flow of resources and support, amplifying its impact across Southeast Asia.

Aligning with Global Goals for Local Change

The alignment of the Simia Social Fund with the UN Social Development Goals underscores our commitment to contributing to a broader global agenda.

Through targeted support of women-led businesses, the fund directly contributes to achieving gender equality (Goal 5), promoting sustained, inclusive economic growth (Goal 8), and fostering innovation and infrastructure development (Goal 9).

These efforts are crucial in this diverse and dynamic region, where sustainable development is not just a global responsibility but a local necessity.

A Model for the Future of Venture Philanthropy

The Simia Social Fund aims to showcase the impact of venture philanthropy when aligned with strategic business practices and an understanding of social challenges.

As a member of the AVPN, Simia Business Development leverages its position to move capital towards impactful ventures, setting a precedent for how businesses can contribute to societal change.

The fund’s approach—combining financial investment with training, mentorship, and network support—offers a replicable model for other organisations looking to make a difference through their business operations.

Looking Ahead – Building a Legacy of Impact

As the Simia Social Fund continues to evolve, our vision for the future is clear: to create a lasting legacy of empowerment, innovation, and sustainable development in Southeast Asia.

By focusing on women-led initiatives and aligning with global development goals, the fund not only supports individual entrepreneurs but also contributes to the broader economic and social advancement of the region.

The long-term vision is for a self-sustaining model, supported and driven by past beneficiaries along with Simia’s ongoing work in Corporate Cultural Development, and represents a forward-thinking approach to social enterprise and philanthropy.

The Simia Social Fund embodies the essence of impactful venture philanthropy. By leveraging its expertise and resources to support women entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia, Simia Business Development is not just creating a brighter future for these businesses but is also contributing to the sustainable development of the region as a whole.

Through collaboration, empowerment, and a commitment to global goals, the Simia Social Fund is contributing to a more equitable, prosperous, and sustainable future.

Our Entrepreneurs


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GIFT-Ed creates environments for people to realise their full potential and expand it with HR Consulting, leadership development and coaching.